
Sunday, September 13, 2009


Young Life brings the good news of Jesus Christ into the lives of adolescents with an approach that is respectful of who kids are and hopeful about who they can be.
Young Life doesn't start with a program. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don't happen overnight — they take time, patience, trust and consistency.

So Young Life leaders log many hours with kids — where they are, as they are. We listen to their stories and learn what's important to them because we genuinely care about their joys, triumphs, heartaches and setbacks.

We believe in the power of presence. Kids' lives are dramatically impacted when caring adults come alongside them, sharing God's love with them. Because their Young Life leader believes in them, they begin to see that their lives have great worth, meaning and purpose.

This is the first step of a lifelong journey; the choices they make today, based upon God's love for them, will impact future decisions … careers chosen, marriages formed and families raised. All ripples from the time when a Young Life leader took time to reach out and enter their world.
Rockdale County YoungLife has the first Club of the year tomorrow night. There are kids that have been waiting and looking forward to this since the last Club of last year, and there are kids that don't even know what YL is yet that will show up because a kind and genuine adult approached them at lunch and hung out with them.

YL is an amazing ministry that impacts thousands of teenagers each year with the Gospel. Lives are being changed - and for every teenager that meets Jesus there is a family at home that is impacted as well.

Please pray today for the volunteer leaders all over the US that are loving on kids and pray specifically for the leaders of Rockdale County Georgia that are continuing to give of their time and energy this year even without a paid Staff person to keep things going.
They are:
*Zach May
*Lisa Leavitt
*Zach Ames
*Sarah Lynch
*Max Hunnicutt
*Lindsay Anderson
*Kent Harris

Pray also for the Committee Members that run the behind-the-scenes stuff and give support to the Leaders.
In Rockdale County they are:
*Dave Crandall
*Sarah May
*Jeff and Greta Beech
*Lonnie and Beth Lamb
*Matt and Leslie Cardoza
*Justin and Stephanie Moon

Each YoungLife area raises it's own support. This year Rockdale County YL is operating solely on volunteers - no paid Staff person. We are raising our funds so that hopefully next year we will be able to support a staff person to replace the one who recently moved to a different area. If you would like to give financially to Rockdale County YL (and we would greatly appreciate your help!) you may do so here. You can choose an Area to donate to - Rockdale County YL's Area Number is GA132.

Thank you for reading this long post and for spending a few minutes in prayer for this ministry. If you do choose to donate, please leave me a comment - I'd love to thank you personally.

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