
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

James 4:17

Today (and this whole week and probably tomorrow and next week) I am meditating on this:

"Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and does not do it, sins."
James 4:17

Heck, I might spend months on that verse.

I'd love to know what you are thinking/praying/meditating on these days. Will you please share a comment?


  1. I really love that verse...i really love the whole book of James actually. He's really "No holds barred" and tells you exactly what you should be doing!

    The last few weeks I was focusing on any verse talking about fear, but also just getting into the new theme at church and focusing on how you really glorify God in E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!

  2. Well, right now I'm meditating on 7th graders' names . . .:), but seriously I've been reading Romans again . . .and have been thinking about the verse in Romans 8 about when you don't know how to pray that the spirit prays for you . . . that's really something to embrace . . . God even knew we would be unable to pray properly so he send the Helper. . . Praise Him for the Spirit . . . oh yea, and I think of you guys often . . . missing ya'll . . . much love and kisses sweetie, Mom

  3. You are so darling. Excellent verse, too.
    My sweet Mother, Agnes, passed from this life on August 8th, so my head is flooded with verses; I'm a little wee bit of a mess, these days. But she did live her earthly life with a great love for Christ and her neighbour, so I am full of Hope too.
    I will keep coming to visit you, Steph. Thanks...

  4. Like your precious mother, I too have been going through the book of Romans. So much good stuff in there.


You know what to do!

If you ask a question in a comment I will answer with a comment so keep an eye out here. :)