
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

One Thousand Gifts

52. searching for and finding petrified wood in the lake
53. the lake :)
54. five acres of entertainment for an outdoor-loving little boy
55. hummingbirds
56. scripture that squashes fear
57. visits with friends from long ago
58. healthy twin baby boys born to a dear friend
59. a God worthy of praise - even in storms
60. peace that passes understanding
61. taking every thought captive
62. Silas's new words - "Hi Fifi" and "welcome" (you're welcome)
63. His still, small voice
64. stillness
65. the lopsided frolick of young puppy dogs
66. 4-wheeler rides with Silas
67. catching white perch with the rod in one hand and my little man in the other
68. shopping trips with DD
69. knowing what I believe
70. jalapeno potato chips
71. a husband who shares my thoughts even when we are MILES apart
72. His unfailing love
73. the sweet, earthy smell of rain
74. His power made perfect in my weakness
75. watching Silas and Emma-Claire interact
76. afternoons spent with life-long friends
77. words of affirmation
78. feminine sanitary supplies
79. turtles sunning on a log
80. airport reunions
81. shopping for flowers
84. footrubs with lavender lotion
85. the empty tomb and death conquered

1 comment:

  1. oh my! between the "but i drink a little" comment in your profile to the "feminine sanitary supplies" in your list of thanks, i've decided you're someone i'd enjoy laughing with. it was good to visit and. . . laugh!!! thanks for sharing your joy and thanks today :-)


You know what to do!

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