
Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Here are some pictures from Christmas in Louisiana!

1. Well, this is from our Moon family Christmas at our apartment in Georgia on the 19th. GO DAWGS!!

2. Justin and I at my DD's house.

3. At MeMe and PaPa's on Christmas Eve

4. The Dowden Family (w/ two Moons) - I had three pictures of this to choose from and in every one of them my Mama's eyes are closed and my brother is acting a fool!

5. With my cousin Jordan - I was the only girl grandchild until she came along! She's 15.

6. This was on Christmas morning at Mom and Dad's with our stockings. We tend to go a little overboard. Just a little though.=)

1 comment:

  1. These are great . . . I can't help it that I'm so old that when I smile BIG, my eyes squint shut :0 . . . there is no excuse for your brother . . . We loved having you guys here for the holidays . . . I love you, Mama


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