
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

More Christmas pics!

These are all from our Christmas with the Mays - our not-related-but-it-feels-like-it-friends/family.=) Photos by Zach May

a: pretty candles

b: My pretty table!

c: The besties

d: Micah and me (I? I don't know, but "me" sounds like patty cake so I am going with that) This is the outfit Justin and I got him for Christmas.

e: ummmm - yep. At least he's laughing!

1 comment:

  1. aw, looks like you had a great christmas. those are really good pictures! were those taken with your camera?? what kinda do you have? i just recently had to buy a new one but i'm not real happy with it. i'm hoping i'll get used to it!

    i hate that i missed you over the holidays! kinda sad cuz i don't know when else i'll see you!


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