
Friday, January 29, 2010

Silas (6 months)

So Silas-boy had his 6 month day a couple of weeks ago, but it's been a bit crazy lately and I never had a chance to blog it. He's just so fun right now - so cute too. :)

Here's what he's up to these days:

*Eating 3 "food" meals a day - The kid loves to eat! Yesterday morning when he woke up I was changing his diaper and I had left his empty bottle from the night before on the bed near where I was changing him. I didn't even see if because it was dark, but he grabbed it and shoved it in his mouth. It was so cute because he was still groggy. His favorite foods are...wait...EVERYTHING is his favorite! Well, maybe not as much the green stuff and others, but he gets that from his momma.

*Playing in his exersaucer that Mamay and Pops got him for Christmas - In addition to all the little toys for him to play with on it, it also has a snack tray so he is...

*Eating Gerber Puffs. He doesn't have the thumb-forefinger pinching skill yet, so he gets them to the palm of his hand and then it takes him a while to get them into his mouth, but once he does he chews and chews. This is funny because they really just dissolve and don't require any chewing, and also because as he chews, the puff just stays in the middle of his tongue so he's really just chewing air. I have to get this on video soon.

*Going EVERYWHERE! He's still doing his little Army crawl/scoot, but he is also getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth. Sometimes he rocks so hard and pushes off that it almost looks like he is trying to play leap-frog with an imaginary friend. He is all over the house at all times unless he is in his exersaucer. His favorite places are behind the recliner, under the kitchen table, and by the "boing" - the spring door stopper.

*Loving people - He is super friendly and full of personality. Everyone loves him. :)

*He has 2 bottom teeth and they are SHARP! He was in the bed with me this morning and I was trying to get a few more minutes of sleep and he crawled up to my head and BIT my bottom lip. No lie. Owie.

*Weighs 15lbs 11oz and is 27in long. Well, at least he was 2 weeks ago at his dr. appointment.

Here's some pictures in no particular order:

Bath time in his duckie tub - all he wants to do is roll out of it.

Um, hello eyelashes!

Love it, love it, love it.


Behind the recliner

Under the kitchen table

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