
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Personalized Burp Cloths

I got an order from a return customer (YAY!!) for these burpies. It's been a while since I did any of these so it was fun to get back in the swing of things...even if I was up until after midnight finishing them. :) That's ok - mom and DD stayed up with me and we watched The Proposal (for the hundreth time) so I had company.

What do you think?


  1. LOVE THEM!! You are so talented. :))
    Can I place another order?

  2. ok those are friggin ADORABLE!! how much are they? do you have an etsy account... message me with more detail


You know what to do!

If you ask a question in a comment I will answer with a comment so keep an eye out here. :)