
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Well hello there!

I know, I know. Waiting 2 weeks between posts is unacceptable and I am truly sorry - BUT - I have been at the beach with the besties and the in-laws without a decent internet connection. It was an absolutely amazing trip and I will share all about at that as soon as possible - but I want to have pictures to go in the post and since my camera has gone kaput again, I have to wait until The Zach sends them to me. Hopefully he'll do that today and I can post either tonight or tomorrow about the trip.

I should be folding laundry and unpacking - or perhaps even working on the 4 orders that I have waiting on me - but I think I'm gonna curl up on the couch with the hubby and see if I can find You've Got Mail on the telly.

I'll be back soon - promise!

P.S. WE GOT THE HOUSE!! The inspection is tomorrow so as long as there isn't some crazy huge crack in the foundation or a pack of man eating spiders in the attic the house is ours. Thanks for all the prayers!


  1. congrats on getting the house! it's such a surreal moment when you're sitting there at the final closing signing papers!!!

  2. Thanks for a new post!! I've missed you. So glad y'all had a great trip!!
    High fives on the house!!! That's fantastic news, Neighbor!!! :) Looking forward to seeing more of you guys. Sloane can bicycle over to get her "Justin & Stephanie fix"


You know what to do!

If you ask a question in a comment I will answer with a comment so keep an eye out here. :)