
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Silas (15 months)

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I love my boy. He is hilarious and rambunctious and stubborn and sweet and sometimes a pain in the you know what. So basically he is a 15 month old. :)

I can't keep up with all of the new things that he is doing that I find noteworthy. Here's a random assortment anyway though:

*He has discovered the joy of dips. Justin introduced him to ketchup over the weekend and now he wants to dip everything. What can I say? He gets it from his momma. :) (not the ketchup thing - ewww- the dip thing.)

*He walks. Like, for reals. Sometimes he runs, but I'm pretty sure that's unintentional - I think he is just trying to regain his balance. :)

*He talks. He can say Daddy, Momma, ball (bah), bug (buh), banana (bobo), pepper (pehpah), book, yes (eeeee), please (peas), thank you (tay soo), bubble, puppy dog (bababababbabababbababa!!!!!!!!!), and I'm sure plenty more that I can't think of right now. He also signs please, thank you, more, and finished.

*He continues to love taking baths. Every night he lays on his back so I can rinse his hair (the water is usually deep enough to where he is almost floating, but not really) and every night he rolls back over to his stomach. The cute part is that he really concentrates and has to work up the courage to roll over since his face has to go under a little. My brave boy. :)

*He is a scavenger. He will steal your food.

*He likes to pick the peppers in the garden, and this has resulted in the premature death of more than a handful of peppers.

*He knows that we pray before we eat dinner and puts his hands together when we say "let's pray." Now he pretty much does it as soon as we sit down.

*He LOVES being outside. We go out every day and he just wanders around and picks up sticks and pinecones and sweetgum balls. I push him in his little car all around the yard and up and down the driveway every day while we wait for daddy to get home.

*One of his favorite things right now is driving our cars. When we get home from wherever we've been we let him get in the front and we close the doors and just let him play. He stands at the wheel so proud and waves. He loves to turn on the emergency flashers and play with the wiper lver tingymabob. Just about every time I get in the car and turn it on the windshield wipers come on. :)

*He feeds himself with a spoon - even his oatmeal in the mornings - and he does a fantastic job.

*Every night after bath I put lotion on him and give him a massage. I did this for the first 6 months of his life and then he got wiggly and we stopped doing it. But recently we started up again and he is so funny about it! He love the massage and he will go get the lotion and bring it to me and then he just lays down and makes little cooing noises as massage him. Precious. He has started asking for lotion during the day so I igve him some on his hands and he lifts his shirt and rubs it on his belly.

*Also every night after his story and bottle he goes to the stairs and Daddy goes with him. He gets to go up by himself now and he stops at the top of the railing (the bottom part of our stairs have a spindle railing and the top part has a wall) and sticks his head through and waits for me to come give him kisses and tell him night night.

I'm sure I'll think of a million more things later (as usual) but for now I will leave you with some pictures. Probably a lot of pictures. You might want to brace yourself.

Playing with Emmy girl.

Pops and Uncle Doug

He loves this hamper. He gets in it and rolls all over the place.

He also loves my pot drawer. He takes them all out and then puts them all back in. Most of the time. ;)

Watching Bolt - his new favorite movie.

If he is outside, he has a stick in his hand.

See what I mean?

He fell asleep eating lunch twice last week. It was hilarious.

Love it! His hair is getting so long and I can't decide if I love it long or if it just looks stringy and redneckish.

SILAS SANDWICH! Zach took this one a couple of weeks ago when we took some long over due family pics. I'll share more of those later.

We love you Silas. You make life FUN!


  1. Girl you inspire me in more ways than one...love your posts!

  2. Wow, he's so grown up now. I love all the little things about him that make him unique. Thanks for your kind words about Olivia. Time really does fly when we're having fun.

    Take CAre,


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